Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Career & Technical Education Trends, 1995-2005

Since a substantial number of students come to our campuses from (or in conjunction with) the community college system, I thought this recently released (July 2008) report, or at least the Executive Summary, might be of interest.
"The National Center for Education Statistics within the Institute of Education Sciences has released the report "Career and Technical Education in the United States: 1990-2005," the fourth volume to describe trends in career and technical education (CTE, formerly known as vocational education). The compendium looks over time at CTE offerings, who participates in CTE, what types of CTE students take, who teaches CTE, and the labor market and further education outcomes attained [emphasis added] by CTE participants..."

1 comment:

Rohit Mehra said...

Education Forum
Thank you for this useful information