I knew ERIC database had implemented the "peer reviewed" classification fairly recently, and I believe I tell students this when I meet with classes, but in case some of you were not aware, I am forwarding a note from one of the truly knowledgeable people in the new ERIC structure...
"Just to clarify why this is happening, at this time ERIC applies the peer-reviewed designator to journals indexed from 2005 forward (note that some of these titles may also include the peer-reviewed status for the period 2002-2004). Limiting a search to peer-reviewed articles is helpful for locating peer-reviewed current materials, but to find older records we recommend not using the limiter.
ERIC obtains information about the peer-reviewed status of a publication from the publisher. When the information is not available from the publisher we use Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory."
Best regards,
Nancy Cawley
Communications Lead, ERIC Project
Ulrich's is available in our A-Z list of databases BTW
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