The National Assoc. of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) has issued an analysis of what's happened in the two years since the Spellings Commission (A Test of Leadership: Charting the Future of U.S. Higher Education) issued its report on higher education. According to Inside Higher Ed (July 15), "It dispassionately presents and balances the often conflicting viewpoints of participants in the commission’s work and aftermath..." Inside Higher Ed has put together this bibliography of news coverage on the Commission's report:
The NACUBO report itself offers this: “[T]he impact of the Commission and the effectiveness of the initiative overall can be seen most clearly in: 1) the attention it afforded to the issues and themes addressed in the Report and follow-up activities; 2) the dialogue that has been stimulated by these efforts; and 3) the numerous voluntary improvement projects and programs that have been energized and inspired during this period...However, the effort has had considerably less impact and success in fostering the kind of mutual respect, constructive collaboration, and engaged partnering that seems necessary to unite the higher education community, Congress, and the Department in the joint pursuit of a common agenda.” Read the full report here:
Assessing the impact of the Spellings Commission : the message, the messenger, and the
dynamics of change in higher education. Brent D. Ruben, Laurie Lewis, Louise Sandmeyer ;
with Travis Russ, Stacy Smulowitz, Kate Immordino.
Achievement unlocked – 52 movies
5 years ago
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